What if supporting your child with Autism/ADHD to become the kind of kid who has friends, will be independent, and is able to speak and communicate… didn’t take endless ABA, supplements and more and more doing?
Join The Tribe and watch your child change before your eyes.
Join the Waitlist

The Tribe Enrollment is Now Closed. Get on the Waitlist.
We open enrollment a few times each year. 

 Before kids, you were unstoppable.

Anything you wanted, you went after. You knew that if you worked hard enough, you’d get it. Determination and grit are qualities you had in spades.

You had control of your life and outcomes. You knew you could solve any problem. And even if things were a little chaotic and stressful, you knew you’d figure things out. 
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But then your child was diagnosed with Autism (or ADHD or both)

 Suddenly you were no longer in control.

This is NOT the life you had envisioned.

You’ve thrown everything you have at it. ABA, Speech, OT, PT, Therapists, Specialists. And your child isn’t getting better.

On top of the extra late night google research, staying up because you’re unable to sleep while thinking about his future, driving to many appointments and services…

You have all the regular shit you need to take care of: work, household, meals to cook, laundry to fold, dishes to wash, dogs to let out, valentine’s to prep for your kids classes, Christmas gifts to wrap, groceries to pickup, floors to vacuum…

All the while pretending you are fine to the outside world.
What the outside world doesn’t see is that you’re exhausted

And feeling hopeless...

You're not sure what to do next.

Everything you’ve tried fell short. Like thinking that ABA will fix Autism when in reality it’s glorified babysitting that can help with toilet training (but unlike babysitting you still have to be there when the BCBA person visits your house).

You want to show up as a calm and grounded mom and take effective action that *actually* helps your child so you see them getting better

But at the moment, when your child has tantrums, it triggers you. You just want them to get better and you feel out of control in that moment…

You feel overwhelmed, and your survival brain kicks in.

You find yourself feeling so stressed, sometimes you snap. Sometimes you yell. And then you feel worse.

But here’s the thing:

This is no fault of your own.

Because when you are triggered, your logical brain goes offline and you feel like you are out of control.

But it doesn’t have to stay this way.
It’s common to want to change your child first. It makes logical sense. “If only my child can stop having tantrums, or speak more, then I can feel better.”

The problem with this is that it doesn’t work.

When you wait for your child to change first (waiting for the ABA to work, the diet changes to kick in, the OT to pay off…), you stay trapped in the cycle of being triggered by tantrums, yelling, and then stewing in shame and guilt.

This guilt creates stress for you.

So why does this matter?

Your child picks up that stress and responds with more tantrums or symptoms. Children with Autism and ADHD are much more sensitive than typical children. They feel the stress you feel. The more stressed they are, the more symptoms they have.

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There is only one way to break this cycle

 You go first.

Your child is responding to how you feel. So when you shift your emotional state, and know how to feel calm no matter what they are doing, your child will change before your eyes.

When you change - they will, remarkably fast.

I help you change how you feel, plus show you healing actions to help them, so that your child can heal and experience less symptoms, fast.
 Hi, I'm Tina Su 🙋🏻‍♀️

I've been through the battlefield, just like you. I know how painful it is.

I used to think that I was going to be stressed forever.

My son had a long list of symptoms: speech delay, tantrums & self harming, sensitive to sound/texture/taste, limited eye contact, not sleeping at night, would only eat 5 things, and he was behind in just about every skill in school.

So on top of my already 80 hour work week…

I now had doctor’s appointments, medications to juggle, therapies to drive him to, evaluations to set up, insurance to navigate, scheduling of services, tutors to hire…

I was overwhelmed with fear. Wondering “What will happen to my child when he gets older? What will happen to him when I’m no longer here?”

Home felt like a war zone. And nothing I did felt like winning.

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After the HOURS it took each night to put my son to sleep, I laid in bed, scared that he’d wake up in the middle of the night and hurt himself.

I slept with one eye open.

I was beyond exhausted.

And despite ALL the actions I was taking, nothing was working. Things weren’t getting any better.

He would have regressions and it felt like we were moving backwards.

My life was passing by while I watched other people’s children go through normal stages of development… wishing so badly we could swap lives.

I’d wonder why me? I’m a good person. I’m a hard worker. Why is this happening to me? 

I had done everything conventional medicine told us to help my child with Autism and ADHD. But he wasn’t getting better. We had 40 hours of ABA, Speech Therapy, OT, multiple ADHD medications (that all eventually stopped working).

When my son was 9 and the 7th of his ADHD med stopped working, that’s when I changed my son’s diet. Within 5 weeks I saw improvements and I dove in head first to the world of Autism healing. 

I also learned shortly the importance of my emotions in impacting his healing (when we went through a period where he wasn’t making any gains, even though we were taking tons of action, the doctor explained to me how my stress affected him)

Today, my son no longer lives with the symptoms of his diagnosis (all his Autism and ADHD symptoms went into remission, and he’s been seizure free without meds). 

When my son’s brain healed and short term memory came back. He started to learn and excel in jiu-jitsu. He went on to win the kid’s jiu-jitsu world championship twice.

My approach with healing is simple:

  • Reduce stress
  • Heal their gut
  • Heal their brain

The order of doing things matters. Since if you jump a step to say “heal their brain” without “heal their gut”, your efforts will be ineffective.

I’ve invested over $100K to figure out how to help my child and how to completely shift these outcomes. And I want these to be available for you.

    That’s why I created this membership. 

      1. Show you the steps to start healing your child
      2. Help you reduce stress, so healing will feel easier and be more effective.

        The goal here is that you start to see huge changes in your child within months of being in this membership.

        I help you get there faster with more clarity, certainty and confidence.

        When it comes to your child, the sooner we can help them feel better and reduce struggle, the sooner they gain independence and begin to thrive.

        Every resource and support offered in this membership are things I wish I had in hindsight. If I could travel back in time, this is what I would gift my younger self.

        I am so excited you are here, reading this. Everything is going to change for you from this point forward. The actions I will guide you on will work.
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          Things will be easier for you as you move forward to help your child get better.

          You don't have to run alone, with blindfolds on.

          There’s a whole community of us.

          It'll feel like home.

          It'll feel like an 'exhale'
          It’s where you’ll get all the support you need to melt stress, get clarity on next-step actions to help your child heal, and no longer feel like you’re in this alone.
          The Tribe
          The Highly Personalized Holistic Coaching Membership to Help Your Child Reduce Symptoms and Thrive

           This isn't a program that's gonna give you a list of 50 things you must do perfectly to heal. We focus on simple tweaks to help your child reduce stress and to increase healing.

          This isn’t about just watching and following videos. It's about hands-on support to help you with exactly what you need to shift.

          This is the nourishing monthly coaching membership where you’ll be met exactly where you are NOW, as a mom supporting a child with Autism or ADHD, so you can receive the exact support you need every step of the way.

          It’s the solution you’ve been looking for, to turn this train around for your child so they can heal and get better.

          It’s the bright light at the end of the tunnel turning on - showing you the way out towards a better future for your child with less struggles, where they will be independent and happy.

          It’s the energetic healing container where you’ll learn to shed your 500 lb-bag-of-rocks on your back so you feel lighter, calmer, and more grounded regardless of what's happening to your child's symptoms.

          It's the guidance you're seeking that shows you exactly how to get started or how to get unstuck and forward moving in your child's healing journey. 
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           Through weekly live coaching — both group coaching AND 1-to-1 private coaching — you’ll: 


          • See your child’s symptoms melt away as your stress goes

          • Feel more in control and know exactly what to do to help your child.

          • See your child speak or have more communication, awareness, life skills, as their body heals.

          • Reverse picky eating and improve your child’s sleep.

          You’ll experience relief from feeling as though your kid’s autism symptoms are the constant ball and chain that controls how you feel.

          Witness your child calming down with less behaviors, less aggression and less symptoms, more improvements, more communication, more eye contact, more healing.
          Join the Waitlist
           “I saw a side of myself I hadn’t known existed and saw changes in matter of 3 days” 

          "I was facing a lot of behavioral problems with my son with Autism which would leave me overwhelmed.

          I was suffering from anxiety and feeling completely shut off because my body did not know how to survive anymore.

          My child was having severe tantrums, hurting himself and his sister. My 3 year old daughter was traumatized from it all.

          I saw changes in a matter of 3 days. Things started coming together just with Tina coaching me for 15 mins on a live call.

          It was like someone opened up a window with a cool breeze coming through. She literally woke me up and I cannot be more grateful.

          The coaching calls are so simple yet leave you WOW. I didn’t think it would be that way before doing this.

          The Tribe has shown me a side of myself I hadn’t known existed and gave me so much strength.

          My son who used to pull my hair is attracted to my calmness and wants to spend time with me. I owe it to The Tribe."

          (Mom to child with Autism from New Jersey)


          Want to experience the relief like a window with a cool breeze coming through? 

          Join the Waitlist
          The healing, coaching and support you receive in The Tribe will have lasting ripple effects throughout your everyday life

          🔮 You’ll see your child with less symptoms & more improvements:  more language, more eye contact, less tantrums, less head-banging, more socials, more aware, less picky eating

          🔮 You’ll enjoy your child instead of focusing on what’s wrong with them because Autism doesn’t have to control your life, your dreams, and your future

          🔮 You’ll start to live your life instead of feeling like each day is just passing you by. You feel in control of your future. That you’re creating the life you want to have

          🔮 As you reduce your stress week by week, you’ll create the most opportune environment that gives your child the greatest chance of healing their symptoms

          🔮 You’ll no longer feel alone in your experience. Instead, you’ll feel seen, understood and cared for. You’ll be in a group of women who have walked this same path. A whole tribe of women who have experienced what you’re going through and here to support you with ideas and solutions and WITHOUT judging you for choosing what’s best for you.

          🔮 You won’t be scared of the future anymore. You won’t lose sleep worrying about what will happen to your child when they get older or after you are no longer here because you’ve learned how to rewire your brain to no longer fear that, while still taking action on the things you want to do to take the best care of your child.

           “The Tribe is like an oxygen mask… It took me out of the fog of overwhelm” 

          “The Tribe is like an oxygen mask, allowing you to breathe enough so that you are able to see your life in a clearer focus than you have before.

          It took me out of the fog of overwhelm and anxiety, and the best part is, you don’t need anyone but yourself to accomplish this.

          Once you start doing the work, the momentum is so encouraging that it propels you forward to becoming a healthy connected and grounded version of yourself.

          With my son’s non-verbal daily needs and medical complexities, there seemed to be no room for me to live a “balanced” life.

          So, before joining this group, I felt isolated, lost and alone. We had just got a seizure diagnosis on top of Autism, I felt like I could barely keep myself moving throughout the day -let alone try to overhaul his diet or change anything about myself!

          I felt helpless, like I couldn’t meet his needs and mine at the same time, which made me feel like a constant failure.

          The Tribe has simultaneously taught me to “chill out” and become more productive. I had permission to give myself credit for what I do instead of constantly beating myself up for not doing enough.

          I have been able to find my joy again.

          I am a mom of multiple kids (3 under age 5). I am going to be a better mom for each of my kids because of this work! I now have tools to help me navigate real life instead of just feeling like I’m constantly drowning and throwing myself pity parties.”

          (Columbus, Ohio)

          (Mom to a 5 year old boy diagnosed with Level 2 Autism & Seizure Disorder)

          Here’s what’s included inside the magical healing container The Tribe

          #1: LIVE Coaching with Tina

           Every week you have the opportunity to join me LIVE to regulate your nervous system and experience the live energy of this incredible group.

          There are no problems I can't help you with. Bring them with you.

          I guarantee you will leave these calls feeling better.
          • more calm,
          • more regulated,
          • more seen,
          • more connected,
          • more grounded.

          And you’ll also leave the call with real practical and actionable strategies to deal with the chaos and triggers of your unique circumstances. 

          So instead of yelling at your kids and spinning in the cycle of shame, judgment and guilt endlessly, you’ll have clarity of what you can do in the moment to shift out of that or build resilience.

          You can receive coaching by watching others get coached.

          Or raise your hand to get coached by me 1-on-1 LIVE.  You'll be surprised how much you'll see yourself in everyone's sharing of their problems. You'll see that you are truly not alone.

          You’ll gain perspective that you can’t see yourself, because you’re too close to it.

          I will teach you how I think and handle life's problems without beating yourself up, going into victim mode or getting angry.

          My coaching is unique and holistic — I combine a number of modalities so I’m able to intuitively see and solve problems that's in your way.


           Every single call is recorded and stored in your Coaching Repository. So if you’re struggling with a particular challenge (husbands, overwhelm, believing you’re a ‘bad mom’, feeling triggered), you can easily locate the 9-min section of video from a call last month or last year, and get the exact coaching you need on demand.
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          #2: Private ONE on ONE Mindset Coaching Sessions

          As well as access to joining me live every week, The Tribe also gives you access to TWO monthly private 1-on-1 sessions with a mental & emotional health support coach.

          These sessions are for anything you need to allow this process to be as easy as possible.

          This isn’t ‘coaching’ like when you think of a sports team. There’s no white guy with a whistle, pushing you to try harder.

          These sessions are gentle and safe spaces to help you access meaningful relief, process negative emotions, calm your mind and resolve problems in any area of your life.

          This is an important piece towards helping your child because how you feel matters. The calmer and more regulated you feel (without pretending) your child will respond to you differently. They will feel calmer too. And this is the foundation that allows their body to heal.

          You won’t be spending these life-changing sessions with a random person who calls herself a “coach” but without actual mental health training.

          These private sessions will impact every area of your wellbeing and access to these sessions are worth the price of The Tribe alone — if you paid for this caliber of private coaching anywhere else, it would cost you thousands. Instead, you have TWO included every month inside The Tribe.

          Every single coach is hand-selected by me — they’ve either coached ME on my healing journey, gone through advanced certification with me, or already have thousands of hours of coaching experience under their belt.

          They are highly trained, with actual tools & techniques and practical experience helping real people feel better in under 20 minutes.

          They’re experts at helping you process and neutralize emotions, finding relief from any negative emotion, and helping you rewire your limiting beliefs.

          Which means you’re in the best hands to receive safe, private, personalized support to work through whatever’s coming up at that moment in your life, and experience the shifts you didn’t even know were possible.

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          #3: Be held and supported in a Private Group


           Besides being fully supported by my team of Mindset Coaches, a Certified Health Practitioner, Parent Mentors, Support staff and direct access to me each week on live calls…

          You’ll also have written Q&A access and be surrounded by a community of other parents just like you, on this healing journey.

          A community where you get to share resources, to ask questions, to solve problems, or to be inspired by what works for other people.

          It’s equally uplifting and practical.

          We have over 500 moms who joined - the collective knowledge is insane.

          You can even ask technical health questions in the group - Vicky is our resident Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who specializes in Healing Autism.

          Vicky will review and answer those questions. It's like having direct access to a biomed Doctor in your back pocket without needing to pay hundreds per hour.

          Everything shared in this group is also captured and organized in a Solutions Library — so you can easily access insights on what’s worked for others, so you get ideas for what’s the best solution for you.

          Kid constipated? Not sleeping through the night? Wondering why your child bangs their head? All of these answers are found in the Solutions Library on-demand.
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           The group coaching, one-to-one mental health sessions, and the supportive private community gives you everything you need to feel less stressed and begin healing.

          But your membership to The Tribe also includes access to the learning vault - on demand programs teaching you practical topics you need on this healing journey towards helping your child reverse symptoms, such as:

          • How to Start Healing Autism/ADHD
          • How to Heal Picky Eating
          • How to Increase Speech
          • How to Improve Child’s Sleep
          • How to Clear Mom Guilt & Regret
          • How to Calm Anxiety When You’re Triggered 

          Think of this as the Netflix of supportive resources for Autism/ADHD Healing and Emotional Regulation for parents of special needs. The Learning Vault is a buffet filled with solutions, workshops, coaching recordings that are cataloged and easy to search so you can EASILY get the help that’s relevant to you, at any time you want.

          The Learning Vault gives you access to courses like:

          • The Solution to Overwhelm
          • How to Overcome Anxiety
          • 30-Days to Start Healing
          • Understanding Autism Root Causes
          • Picky Eating Solutions Workshop
          • How to Master Your Child's Sleep
          • Lose 10 Pounds in 30-Days
          • The Secret to Stress Management
          • How to Reset Your Nervous System
          • How to Create New Beliefs
          • How to Create More Time
          • How to Get Organized
          • Solutions to Confusion & Indecision
          • 30-Days Action Plan for Picky Eaters
          • How to Improve Your Marriage
          • How to Clear Fear of the Future
          • How to Have the Best Year
          • How to be More Confident
          • People Pleasing & Perfectionism Workshop

          Also bonus resources & tools like:

          • Private Podcast - so you can tap into our energetic container while you’re on the go. All coaching calls, classes & courses are sent to the private podcast.
          • Nervous System Toolbox - Bite size solutions you can use when you are anxious, activated, triggered, dysregulated.
          • Solutions Library - Answers to common struggles (ie. Sleep, Behavior, Symptoms). Solutions to problems we see on the healing journey or making diet changes.
          • Food Swap List - list of the most common food swaps for GFDF diet
          • Recipes Library - Clean Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free recipes shared by the moms in our community.

          Join The Tribe
          $222 per month
          Join the Waitlist

          Try for a month, go all in, and see how your life can shift. No minimum time commitment required. Cancel anytime. Stay as long or as little as you like.

          In case you’re wondering if The Tribe will actually be the thing that helps you feel better as you help your child reduce symptoms…

          The Tribe comes with a Feel Better money-back guarantee 🎉🥳

          I know it can feel nerve racking when considering buying something you don’t know for sure will work for you.

          So if you’re reading through this page, and know you want to experience a meaningful sense of relief from the hell you’re in everyday…

          But you’re also worried that investing in yourself could be a waste of money… I get it! You’re already spending so much money trying to improve yours and your child’s life.

          That’s why I’ve made your decision to join The Tribe risk-free. 

          Once you join The Tribe, and

          1.  Attend one live call with me (or catch the replay),

          2. Schedule and attend your first two 20-minute private coaching sessions, and

          3. Watch the 7 short videos of the foundational course (which takes you through how your brain and nervous system work) and complete the ONE foundational course worksheet (which literally takes 10 minutes or less)...

          I guarantee you will feel better — more calm, more grounded, more relief from pressure — no matter what’s going on in your or your child’s life.

          If, after 25 days (i.e before the next billing cycle) you’ve done these things and STILL haven’t experienced any meaningful emotional or mental relief, get in touch at tina@tinasu.com

          As long as you’ve done your best to get the support you need (joined a group call with me, scheduled and received private coaching, and completed the foundational course + worksheet), we’ll process a full refund of your $222 within 7 business days.

          Join The Tribe
          $222 per month
          Join the Waitlist

          Cancel anytime. No minimum time commitment required. Try for a month, go all in, and see what the fuss is all about.

          The Tribe ISN’T the kind of place where you’ll be forced to change your child’s diet or else be shamed for “not doing enough”

          Think of every resource you’ll find inside The Tribe as though it’s a buffet — you don’t eat EVERYTHING at the breakfast buffet.

          The Tribe is a container that has multiple ways to support you, but you don’t need to spend hours watching every video or navigating through all the information in order to see massive shifts.

          Because there’s an energy to this group that’s magical. You’ll feel it when you attend (or listen to a replay) of any group call.

          You will feel calmer just listening in. That’s why it isn’t about how much you do or how much time you spend in the group. 

          You can simply tap into the energy of the group by listening to a replay from the private podcast or watch part of a call when it works for your schedule. The group energy will lift you up emotionally and mentally, where taking action will feel easier.

          The more you do this (intentionally lifting up your emotional baseline), the more you'll see your child improving. The better you feel, the safer your child feels.

           And their body needs to feel safe and calm, before it will allow repair and healing to take place.
           “It isn’t about how much time you spend in the group but to tap into the energy when it works for your schedule.” 

          “I originally joined The Tribe because I was overwhelmed trying to do the gluten-free, dairy-free diet perfectly for my son’s autism. I was looking for tips and content for diet changes only.

          Turns out, I didn’t have to do the diet perfectly. What I needed was actually prioritizing my own nervous system and how I felt.

          There’s an energy to this group that is magical. You can feel it when you attend or listen to a replay of every group call.

          Tina always says, it isn’t about how much you do or how much time you spend in the group. She’s right. I’ve learned that: Consuming MORE content or taking more “Right” action perfectly doesn’t equal more results.

          Instead, tap into the energy of the group when it works for your schedule, without pressure. I have it on the private podcast and can listen on the run. 10 mins here. 20 mins there.

          I originally joined thinking I’d get some advice and “how to” and that’s it. I didn’t anticipate just how much healing I would undergo since joining. I didn’t realize how much working on me would benefit my son.

          In less than 6 months since joining. My son went from completely non-speaking to starting to talk. With more and more awareness.

          AND I’ve never actually gone 100% Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free for my son. I never paid a biomed doctor. I didn’t spend money on supplements. I JUST focused on ME and prioritized my emotions, like Tina guided us.

          This week my son said “I want mama” at bedtime and I cried because I’ve waited YEARS for him to say mama. It’s the most beautiful sound.

          I have been able to enjoy my life and my family more. I can see my child for who he is and what he needs from me.

          He has made progress on every level and is no longer considered non-verbal. The last 6 months have been life changing. I’m going to be here for a VERY LONG time. 😂”

          Sacramento, California

          (Mom to 3 Year Old Jacob, who was originally diagnosed with Level 3 Autism, now at Level 2 Autism and recently moved to a blended classroom with Neurotypical peers)

          Join The Tribe
          $222 per month
          Join the Waitlist

          Try for a month, go all in, and see how your life can shift. No minimum time commitment required. Cancel anytime. Stay as long or as little as you like.

          In case you’re thinking ‘there’s no way that healing my nervous system will work for me…’

          I get it.

          You’ve already tried so many things that didn’t work.

          And there’s a part of you that thinks that being worried will help you take the action you need to keep helping your child.

          But how you feel matters.

          Your emotions create the environment your child lives in and is surrounded by.

          So when you feel a lot of stress, even if you’re giving your child all the supplements and all the treatments, they’re still going to be sensitive to the stress that you feel.

          Without support to process or relieve your stress, you unknowingly signal the unconscious danger detection system in your child, whose nervous system is already primed to be extra sensitive.

          Which means their bodies automatically go into stress response: fight, flight or freeze.

          When this happens their digestion and detox turn off and their symptoms increase (more irritable, more sensitive to textures, sight, and sound, easily triggered, and their communication regresses.)

          And then the cycle repeats…triggering YOU into reaction, worry, panic, fear and cycles of stress & despair (again).

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          But you don’t have to stay stuck in this endless, destructive cycle any longer.

          When you prioritize decreasing your stress, it will impact you and your kids in ways you can’t even imagine.

          It’ll blow your mind.

          Not only will you be creating an environment that gives your child the best chance of finding relief from their symptoms… you’ll be creating lasting freedom for yourself too.

          And watch as your child's symptoms improve one by one... Here are some examples of gains people experienced in their child when they started this work:

          • more speech, more eye contact
          • less tantrums, less picky eating
          • more awareness, more responsiveness
          • more receptive and expressive communication
          • more learning and memory. 

          This is the fastest path to helping your child Thrive.

           “I’ve seen WAY more gains since I’ve worked on healing my Nervous System than in the previous 3 years combined” 

          “I have 4 kids under the ages of 6, plus one with autism. My husband was deployed and I was basically the single parent handling it all.

          Before joining, my son with Autism didn’t sleep. He was awake 3-4 hours every night. He was an extremely picky eater. He had very few single words. No sentences. Only repeat what we say. And very limited eye contact. He would get upset and bang his head against the wall - he had to wear a helmet to school everyday.

          It felt like things had spiraled completely out of control! I was sad, had no energy, totally overwhelmed all day long.

          I had been following Tina for a while on Instagram and honestly, I thought there was NO WAY what she was teaching would work for me.

          I joined The Tribe, even though I was nervous and doubtful it’ll work for me. I decided to go all in and be open. I literally had nothing to lose. My life was already a living hell.

          I’ve learned tools to calm myself when I feel anxious or overwhelmed. I know so much more about my brain and Nervous System now.

          I had no idea the way my nervous system impacted my kids.

          Within 90 days, my son’s symptoms started improving. He started sleeping all night. He no longer needed to wear a helmet to school for head banging. His language has exploded. He’s talking and putting words together. His eye contact is so much better. He’s so present and engaged.

          Tonight on his way to bed he said “love you mom”. He is almost 7 and I wasn’t sure I would ever hear those words from him.

          In 10 months, his ATEC score dropped from 87 to 39.

          I wish I would have joined sooner because it’s changed everything!

          My life is so different now! I feel, for the first time ever, like I am in control of my future. I am creating the life I want to have. I don’t feel like I’m stuck anymore. I don’t feel frantic and stressed. I’m not scared for our future anymore.

          Honestly, this work has changed our lives. I’ve made some changes before joining, diets etc.  But we’ve seen WAY more gains this last year since I’ve worked on healing my nervous system than in the previous 3 years combined.”

          Grants Pass, Oregon

          (Mom of 4 little ones, including a 7 year old boy diagnosed with Autism at age 3.)

           “I’ve been in The Tribe for just over one month. My daughter’s anxiety has gone down.” 

          “I’ve been in The Tribe for just over one month. My daughter’s anxiety has gone down.

          It’s just like what Tina says… when our anxiety starts to diminish, so does our child’s. IT’S TRUE.

          They legit feel what we are feeling. They WILL pickup on it. Which means they will pickup on our Peace too. I see it with my own eyes.

          I am so grateful to be in this group and to have these videos/tools to listen to first thing in the morning and use throughout my day.

          I’ve had 3 coaching calls already and they are SOOOOO helpful. I learn something new every time.”

          Bay City, Texas

          (Mom to a 12 year old girl with high functioning autism)

          Join The Tribe
          $222 per month
          Join the Waitlist

          Cancel anytime. No minimum time commitment required. Try for a month, go all in, and see what the fuss is all about.

          The Tribe is the soft landing pad where you can finally be held and feel safe enough to let your guard down

          When it’s been you against the world for so long…

          When you’ve felt like the only way to survive is to be hard on yourself, to perform, to do more, to do better, to be perfect…

          It can sound ‘too good to be true’ to find a solution that means this constant stress doesn’t have to stay your reality forever.

          But the truth is, there is an easier route out. 

          This membership is where you get to step out of the hard-edged container you’ve created to protect yourself and your family and step into the coaching equivalent of the softest, fluffiest, nourishing blanket. It’ll feel like a hug for your Nervous System.

          It’s where you’ll be able to let out a deep sigh of Relief and allow your body to finally R-e-l-a-x. It’ll feel like coming home.

          This happens as soon as your first group coaching call - whether you’re getting coached or whether you’re watching someone else experience it.

          Divider Text
           “It is truly the best gift you can give yourself.” 

          “When I found The Tribe, I was at a point of confusion and anxiety. We had been doing Whole Foods diet and BioMed for about 1 year with little progress. I kept thinking what is next? What am I missing?

          Then I found this group and IMMEDIATELY saw a more practical way of doing things.

          I was stressing myself trying to reach a certain level of perfection per day. I was also internally blaming myself for my child’s symptoms – “It is my fault this symptom is back, I am not doing things right. What is wrong with me?“.

          Within days inside The Tribe I saw results. From our first coaching call I was able to LET GO of this type of thinking that was hurting our progress and healing. The results truly SPEAK for themselves:

          My child is more relaxed, happy and putting sentences together. More importantly, I AM more relaxed, happier and at peace!

          The thing I love the most about this group, that I have not found in other groups, is the ongoing support and coaching. Working with Tina and all the Coaches directly has been a breath of fresh air in our journey.

          Learning about how your brain works and how we can rewrite our thoughts makes the world of difference in all areas of your life – this is what Tina focuses on!

          In the beginning I told myself I was only signing up for 1 month, but I quickly knew this was the place I had to be. It is truly the best gift you can give yourself.”

          San Diego, California

          Join The Tribe
          $222 per month
          Join the Waitlist

          Try for a month, go all in, and see how your life can shift. No minimum time commitment required. Cancel anytime. Stay as long or as little as you like.


          Can I cancel anytime? 

          Yes! The Tribe isn’t like a gym membership that makes it impossible to cancel or forces you to pay for two more months — if you decide to cancel your membership at any point, you can simply email tina@tinasu.com 3 (three) days before the next monthly billing cycle. My team will process the cancellation right away.

          Does The Tribe come with any sort of guarantee? 

          Yes! In your first month of joining The Tribe, if, after 25 days (i.e before the next billing cycle) you STILL haven’t experienced any meaningful emotional or mental relief, get in touch at tina@tinasu.com

          As long as you’ve done your best to get the support you need (joined a group call with me, scheduled and received private coaching, and completed the foundational course + worksheet), we’ll process a full refund of your $222 within 7 business days.

          How long do I need to spend in this each week to see the benefits?

          Simply join one of the live calls with me or watch the recording, or even if you only schedule one private coaching session a month (20 minutes), you’ll get what you need to feel supported.

          This isn’t more things to add to your list. Feeling more safe in your body isn’t gonna take 10 hours a week to see benefits. Tapping in for 20 mins or an hour on any coaching call will do that.

          You’re free to do that once a month, once a week, or once a day. It’s up to you. Every piece of support is designed to help you shift your emotional state.

          Think of all the support as a buffet to nourish your emotions, your nervous system, your soul. We don’t recommend overstuffing yourself. Eat when you are hungry. Stop when you are full. Know there’ll be plenty of food for when you need.

          Will I be forced to follow a specific protocol for my kid or even for myself?

          The Tribe isn’t a rigid program of required actions you must take perfectly just to finally experience relief from how stressed you feel.

          This is a place where you get to show up however you are, and receive the exact holistic coaching you need to support you to get to a better feeling place. Without toxic positivity.

          Without shame or blame. Without judgment. And while always acknowledging how powerful you are to create the life you want, even if it feels impossible right now.

          Yes, there are resources and a powerful community of other moms of kids with Autism — so the knowledge and support is there for you to get answers for managing your kid’s symptoms.

          But first and foremost, the focus is on supporting YOU to feel better, and from there, you’ll notice the flow on effects of how much it positively affects your kid’s symptoms.

          You’ll notice the unfolding of how much prioritizing you will transform your whole family.

          What is coaching? How will it help?

          You have over 60,000 thoughts in a day - majority of them are negative, unconscious and are repeats of thoughts from the day before. When you let your thoughts run unmanaged, it’ll drive how you feel (usually bad on default).

          Plus, you have lived experiences, past traumas, borrowed limiting beliefs from your parents, which all influence the default thought patterns you have and the actions you actually take. Most of what drives you is unconscious.

          Have you noticed wanting to do something, but you find yourself sabotaging it? It’s because on some level your unconscious mind isn’t onboard.

          The type of cognitive coaching we do is: to have a highly trained Brain Ninja help you see what you can’t see yourself because you’re inside your brain (too close).

          You know how you can’t see when there’s food stuck in your teeth? It’s kinda like that. The Coach is that trusted friend, who pulls you aside and hands you a mirror to check your teeth.

          The coach can also help you process stuck emotions, make decisions, help you get your unconscious mind onboard so taking action will be easier. Your life will flow smoother. You’ll feel lighter. Things will be simpler. You’ll get results faster.

          Coaching is like getting a massage for your emotions and nervous system. There may be moments of discomfort, just because it’s new and you might not know what to expect yet. But once you try, you’ll notice how much better and calmer you feel. And your next thought will be “I wish I had this sooner.”

          I have another question that’s not answered here…

          No worries! Get in touch with me on instagram DM at @tinasu and I’ll get back to you within 2 days. If you are not on instagram, you could also email tina@tinasu.com (I'm faster on IG).

          Questions answered and ready to finally experience meaningful, lasting relief?

          Join The Tribe
          $222 per month
          Join the Waitlist

          Try for a month, go all in, and see how your life can shift. No minimum time commitment required. Cancel anytime. Stay as long or as little as you like.

          What Members Are Saying:

          Abe: (Dad's can join too)

          Join The Tribe
          $222 per month
          Join the Waitlist

          Try for a month, go all in, and see how your life can shift. No minimum time commitment required. Cancel anytime. Stay as long or as little as you like.
